BC’s 6th Birthday

BC had his 6th birthday earlier this month. I keep thinking about when first we met him, he was just over a year old and still learning to walk. He’s still as fearless as he was back then. Earlier this month he delivered a monologue at a school program and the audience loved him – check out the video (I apologize for the dark images – I tried to distort the video because I generally don’t share photos of the kids publicly) http://youtu.be/lSFEwc3Lw8A.

2 thoughts on “BC’s 6th Birthday

  1. Shannon,

    Those are some powerful words from Dr. King … the boy’s got skills. Good for him.

    Keep blogging. The “world” (however big that is) needs to hear your voice. Also, great title for a blog. “One Inch of Grace”, I really resonate with that.

    Much peace to you and your family. And all of the gifts that only Jesus can give. Especially the promise of His presence,


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